Petersen’s daily news show is for anyone who loves entertaining newscasts, exciting and educated guests, and perspectives of the world from a freedom-centric worldview. The Wake up America show with Austin Petersen is a live, two hour video podcast that plays every Monday-Friday from 7-9am central time. The show is available in audio form and streams live on video at The Wake Up America show with Austin Petersen broadcasts from the capital of Missouri in Jefferson City. Petersen is a former presidential candidate, pundit, and entrepreneur.
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Is Melania Trump What Every Man Should Look For in a Wife?
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Austin and Stephanie discuss Melania and Donald Trump's marriage and what every powerful man should look for in a wife. @CliffMaloney
has a new project for liberty! George Santos fights back harder than the heteros. Angry tater tot mom draws internet's ire. ft @SteffiP4Liberty