Petersen’s daily news show is for anyone who loves entertaining newscasts, exciting and educated guests, and perspectives of the world from a freedom-centric worldview. The Wake up America show with Austin Petersen is a live, two hour video podcast that plays every Monday-Friday from 7-9am central time. The show is available in audio form and streams live on video at The Wake Up America show with Austin Petersen broadcasts from the capital of Missouri in Jefferson City. Petersen is a former presidential candidate, pundit, and entrepreneur.
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Every Jew Needs an AR15 or Two!
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Muslims swarm an airport in Russia looking for Jews. Good time for Jews to get an AR15? Businesses fleeing coastal states for greener pastures. @Miltimore79 AP dominates Israel/Hamas debate over the weekend. @GuySquiggs reacts + How to buy an AR15 for beginners.